Malta Strategic Partnership Projects has closed its call for the submission of proposals that will seek to regenerate the Old Pixkerija Site in the lower part of the Capital city, Valletta. This project is one of multiple projects planned within the rehabilitation strategy that MSPP has embarked upon.
Two bids by the private sector have been submitted under this call.
A minimum initial investment of €18 million and various other reinvestments throughout the concession period set at 65 years, have been requested as part of the private investment on the project site. Apart from rehabilitating various dilipidated buildings including the Old Pixkerija or Fish Market building, a number of Barriera Wharf stores and the ex-Quarantine Hospital which is in a state of disarray, the private investment requested aims to enable the creation of upmarket quality tourism facilities, including berthing facilities, and thus creating a complete service offering.
The project investment is intended to generate not only revenue for the government in the form of a concession fee, ground rent and berthing fees on an annual basis, but the economic studies have indicated that the through multiplier effects 129FTE jobs would be generated through the investment phase whilst €2.4 million annual economic value added is expected to be directly generated as a result of the project, rising to €5.5 million annually, through multiplier effects.
The bids will be competing on different levels, amongst which on the concession fee offered and also on other important elements that form part of the proposed projects such as the corporate socially responsible measures and green initiatives.
The proposals will now be evaluated by an evaluation and adjudication committee composed of high ranking civil servants and public sector employees.
The list of bidders and financial offers can be accessed through